
AAC06 Information

The venue for Day 1 of the Conference is the Maroochy Surf Club (where there are plenty of accommodation options nearby) and for Days 2 and 3, the Sippy Downs campus of The University of the Sunshine Coast. Bring the fruits of your best thinking for sure but don't forget to pack your togs (a fairly Queensland word for swim gear) and whatever you need for long beach walks.
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Timetable for Presentation of Contributed Talks


Important dates

Registration:           opens September 6

Abstracts:               can be submitted anytime until November 11

Timetable for talks: planned for release on November 21.

Contributed Talks

Talks are expected to be of 20 minutes duration, 5 minutes for questions, 5 minutes for the changeover to the next speaker so we have new presentations beginning on the half hour.

Informal Conference Dinner

As we are unsure of just how many are prepared to travel after ‘the COVID years’, we are planning an informal dinner on the Tuesday night of the Conference where conference attendees with their family and friends can enjoy each other's company at the Surf Club restaurant. We'll take expected numbers on the Monday then make a booking for the following evening. All welcome.

Public Lecture

We are very pleased to announce that Professor Murray Elder of the University of Technology Sydney has agreed to deliver a public lecture titled ‘Avoiding permutations, stack sorting and k-pop’. It is open to teachers, their students and other interested members of the public and will be presented on Tuesday November 29 at 4pm on the Sippy Downs campus of the University in Room LT5.

Professor Elder explains: “For this talk a permutation is just a list of distinct numbers, maybe not in order. For example 5 4 1 3 2.

Knuth (the computer scientist who invented TeX, among other things) asked the question: when is it possible to sort a permutation by passing it right-to-left through a stack.

?               <-- 5 4 1 3 2

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You can place 5, then 4 on the bottom of the stack, pass the 1 across, then put 3 in the stack, pass 2 across, then pop out 3,4,5. So it is sortable. However, can you sort  5 3 1 4 2 ?

This talk will start here and then consider two generalisations of the problem, and define some interesting mathematical notions about when one permutation avoids another.”

If planning to attend but not a conference participant, please RSVP with the Conference Correspondent Dr Robert McDougall (email) by November 23 with the expected numbers in your group. We look forward to seeing you there.


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Getting around: Check for direct flights and if arriving at the Sunshine Coast Airport, it is a 20 minute car ride to the accommodation options around Maroochydore Beach and the Surf Club. The Surf Club is about 20 minutes by car to the Sippy Downs campus. If you are arriving at Brisbane Airport, the Sunshine Coast is a little over an hour's drive away and there are shuttle services operating. We are organising a local shuttle bus for the return trip between the Club and the campus on Days 2 and 3.

Gordon Preston Prize

The Gordon Preston Prize is awarded for the best presentation at the AAC given by a current student based at an Australian or overseas university. The presentations will be judged by a panel appointed by the executive committee. The winner of the prize will receive $300. The Rules for the Gordon Preston Prize are available on the website of the Australian Algebra Group.

Conference Support for Students

Up to $400 is available subject to budget for interstate student participants. Some consideration will also be given for participants from within Queensland. The travel support is open to all students and comes as a reimbursement for any costs not already covered by other funding sources like your university.

We have tentatively made arrangements for this to be completed during the week before the start of the Conference. Please prepare any receipts you want to submit for reimbursement.

Conference Competition

It is possible to outshine

Q: What's purple and commutes? A: An Abelian grape,

with other such riddles or mathematical jokes? A prize is offered for the best original riddle or joke (as determined by the groans of the audience) under rules to be announced at the opening of the conference. 

Getting around

Check for direct flights and if arriving at the Sunshine Coast Airport, it is a 20 minute car ride to the accommodation options around Maroochydore Beach and the Surf Club. The Surf Club is about 20 minutes by car to the Sippy Downs campus. If you are arriving at Brisbane Airport, the Sunshine Coast is a little over an hour's drive away and there are shuttle services operating. We are organising a local shuttle bus for the return trip between the Club and the campus on Days 2 and 3.

Some Useful Links

You already have your favourite places for booking flights and accommodation but in addition:

 Maroochy Surf Club 

 University of the Sunshine Coast 

 Things to do while you're here 

Currently available registration categories

  • 0 categories shown.
Description of category
Registration fee

Conference events

  • 0 events shown.
Guest Limit

Conference sessions

Session name
Session abstracts
All talks 5

Membership information

Australian Algebra Group